Janesville man sentenced to 30 years for attempted homicide conviction


| Big Radio News |

A Janesville man convicted of attempted murder last October will be incarcerated for at least 17 years.

Sergio Morales, 32, turned violent during an argument with his fiancée in October 2023. When she fled in her car, Morales followed and shot out her tire before shooting at her. The victim called police, and Morales led them on a high-speed chase before he was apprehended.

At sentencing on Friday in front of Rock County Judge Barbara McCrory, prosecutors argued for 57 years in the prison system with the first 29 served in custody. Assistant District Attorney Rich Sullivan said Morales endangered the entire community and that it was only by the grace of God that no one was hurt.

McCrory’s sentence was for 30 years in the prison system and 17 in custody.

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