Janesville child pornography suspect faces new bestiality charge


| Big Radio News |

The Rock County District Attorney’s Office tacks on more charges for the 32-year-old Janesville man who’s home was so squalid that police executing a search warrant refused to bring in an electronic device-sniffing police dog.

Robert Sharpe III was originally charged in December with two counts of possession of child pornography. According to online court records, he also now faces a charge of bestiality and two additional counts of possession of child pornography.

A police SWAT. team had to fight through what police say was an accumulation of garbage and waste in the house that created a “significant health risk to any potential occupants.”

Police seized numerous electronics during the search.

Two weeks ago, Sharpe appeared in Rock County Court for his preliminary hearing where he was bound over for trial. He pleaded not guilty to the charges this week.

Sharpe has been held in the Rock County Jail on a $500 cash bond since December.

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