Jury trial delayed for Janesville man charged with stalking police


|Big Radio News|

An unrelated sexual assault case that takes precedence delays the jury trial for a Janesville man accused of stalking police officers.

45-year-old Aaron Oleston is charged with two counts of felony stalking, three counts of misdemeanor resisting or obstructing an officer, and disorderly conduct.

According to the criminal complaint, Oleston had been sneaking up on officers in their squad cars, following cops around town and interfering with traffic stops, and filming videos where he talks about following officers to their homes.

Oleston was previously convicted of disorderly conduct for making YouTube videos were he called police Blue ISIS and harassed officers.

While Oleston’s trial was originally supposed to start on Monday, it’s now scheduled for June 9th and 10th.

Oleston is free on a $10,000 cash bond.

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