| By Big Radio News Staff |
Rock County is updating its Parks, Outdoor Recreation and Open Space plan this year.
Urban planning firm Vandewall & Associates is leading development of the plan, which includes an inventory of county-owned outdoor spaces and sets long-term goals and strategies for the entire parks system.
The county is required to update its plan every five years to stay eligible for state and federal grant dollars.
Ben Rohr (ROAR), a planner from Vandewall & Associates, told the county’s Public Works Committee (on Tuesday) that the company will tour county parks and meet with stakeholders to draft a plan by late spring. The committee and the public will get a chance to review the plan and give feedback in late summer before the plan is adopted in the fall.
The county’s 2020 plan indicated a need for 140 more acres of parkland by 2040. With the addition of the Rock River Heritage Park in 2022, the county has already achieved that target.