School District of Janesville to partner with consultant in hopes of accelerating goal progress


| By Big Radio News Staff |

The School District of Janesville hopes a new partnership can speed up its progress toward its big-picture goals.

Superintendent Mark Holzman filled in the school board about a partnership with Florida-based consultant group Studer Education that will start in the coming weeks.

He says that while the district is seeing steady positive trends in student achievement, Studer can help the district accelerate those trends and effectively communicate the progress that it’s making.

Holzman expects to work with Studer to develop a data dashboard to paint a clearer picture of Janesville’s accomplishments that might be harder to capture through other means like state report cards.

Working with Studer will cost $82,000 a year. Holzman says the Forward Janesville Foundation will help financially support the partnership.

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