Grab your spiles: Maple Sugar Fest returning to Beloit’s Big Hill Park on Feb. 22


| By Big Radio News Staff |

It’s time to tap the trees in Beloit’s Big Hill Park.

The Welty Environmental Center is hosting its 17th annual Maple Sugar Fest from 8 a.m. until noon on Saturday, Feb. 22.

Brenda Plakans, the executive director of the Welty center, says the festival is a celebration of Wisconsin’s sugar maple traditions.

There will be a pancake breakfast and outdoor educational activities no matter the weather, including hikes among the tapped sugar maple trees in the park, a demonstration of the sap-boiling process, and a chance to drill a hole and install a sap collection spout known as a spile.

More will be going on inside the Big Hill Center in the park, including basket weaving and wood carving demonstrations, craft tables and other educational presentations.

Plakans’ favorite part of the day? The free maple syrup snow cones.

Tickets are $10 for adults, $7 for Welty members, $5 for kids age 3 to 12 and free for kids 2 years old and younger.

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